Director: Friz Freleng
Release date
: July 15, 1961
Stars: Tweety and Sylvester
Rating: ★★★

‘The Rebel Without Claws’ is the penultimate Tweety and Sylvester cartoon by the original Warner Bros. studio. In this short Tweety is a messenger pigeon in the American civil war. Sylvester, naturally, is a ‘messenger destroyer’ trying to intercept Tweety and his message.

Except for the last one, the gags are fine, and Freleng’s timing, as always, is excellent. Especially the canon gag is a marvel. Moreover, the human designs are fine examples of the cartoon modern era. But it is a little grim to see our yellow friend in the service of the confederate army, which after all fought to maintain slavery. This makes this Tweety and Sylvester cartoon the only one in which one hopes that Sylvester wins (which he, incidentally, does).

Watch ‘The Rebel Without Claws’ yourself and tell me what you think:

‘The Rebel Without Claws’ is available on the Blu-Ray ‘Looney Tunes Collector’s Choice Vol. 2’