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Director: Marcell Jankovics
Release date:

‘Sisyphus’ is a very short animation film, which is indeed about a man pushing a large rock up a steep hill.

The animation is done in black pen on white paper, and there’s no background art whatsoever. Most impressive is Jankovics’s animation: his command of the human form is formidable, and of the suggestion of muscles pushing up an enormous weight absolutely convincing. What’s even more wonderful is that the man is rendered in various variations of abstraction, from quite realistic to only suggestive splashes of ink. The soundtrack, with its very heavy breathing and growning, maybe a little too much, but this short is a wonderful example of the marvelous things animation can do.

Watch ‘Sisyphus’ yourself and tell me what you think:

‘Sisyphus’ is available on the Blu-Ray of ‘Son of the White Mare’

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